Index of Mathematics Courses    -

Math logo 100-Series Courses TimetableInstructorWebpage
Got it   Need it MATH 105H Applied Calculus
Got it   Need itMATH 110 Calculus of one variable A 110 homepage
B 110 homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 135H Linear Algebra I: Matrix Algebra 135 homepage
135 homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 150 Non-calculus-based introduction
       to probability & statistics
A 150 homepage
B 150 homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 155H Intro. to Probability 155 homepage
Math logo 200-Series CoursesTimetableInstructorWebpage
Got it   Need itMATH 200 Calculus in several dimensions Now Math 201/202
Got it   Need itMATH 201H Calculus of several variables
Got it   Need itMATH 202H Vector Calculus
Got it   Need itMATH 203H Intro. to numerical and
   computational methods
203 Homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 205H Ordinary differential equations
Got it   Need itMATH 206H Intro. to analysis Now Math 309H
Got it   Need itMATH 207H Intro. to numerical and
  computational methods
Now Math 203H
Got it   Need itMATH 220H Intro. to Pure Mathematics 220 Homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 226H Euclidean geometry
Got it   Need itMATH 235H Linear Algebra II: Vector spaces
Got it   Need itMATH 256H Intro. to statistical inference 256 homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 260 Discrete structures 260 homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 280 Mathematics for the
    Contemporary Classroom
A 280 homepage
B 280 homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 284HRecreational Mathematics 284H homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 285HThe Mathematics of Art,
    Architecture and Music
285H homepage
Math logo 300-Series CoursesTimetableInstructorWebpage
Got it   Need itMATH 302H Differential Geometry 302 homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 303H Methods of applied math. 303 homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 305H Partial differential equations 305 homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 306H Analysis II: Complex analysisNow Math 307H
Got it   Need itMATH 307H Analysis II: Complex analysis 307 homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 308H Methods of applied math.Now Math 303H
Got it   Need itMATH 309H Analysis I: Intro. to analysis 309 Homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 310HMetric Geometry and Topology 310 homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 311H Advanced Classical MechanicsNow Math 314H
Got it   Need itMATH 312H Classical MechanicsNow Math 313H
Got it   Need itMATH 313H Classical mechanics Fall[Physics Faculty]
Got it   Need itMATH 314H Advanced classical mechanics Winter[Physics Faculty]
Got it   Need itMATH 320H Number theory 320H Homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 321HMathematical Cryptography 321H Homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 322 Number Theory Split into
Math 320H/321H
Got it   Need itMATH 326H Projective &
       non-Euclidean geometries
Got it   Need itMATH 330 Abstract Algebra Split into
Math 332H/336H
Got it   Need itMATH 332H Groups & Symmetry 332H homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 335HLinear Optimization 335 homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 336H Rings & Fields 336H homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 341 Linear and discrete optimizationNow Math 335/361
Got it   Need itMATH 351HFinancial Mathematics 351 homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 355 Intro. to statistical analysis Now Math 256/356
Got it   Need itMATH 356H Linear Statistical Models 356 homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 357H Intro. to Stochastic Processes 357 homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 361H Discrete Optimization 361 homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 380 History of Math. Split into
Math 381H/382H
Got it   Need itMATH 381H Ancient & Classical Mathematics 381H homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 382H Mathematics from mediaeval
   to modern times
382H homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 390 Reading-seminar courseContact
Math Dept.
Got it   Need itMATH 391H Reading-seminar courseContact
Math Dept.
Got it   Need itMATH 392H Reading-seminar courseContact
Math Dept.
Got it   Need itMATH 393H Reading-seminar courseContact
Math Dept.
Got it   Need itMATH 394H Reading-seminar courseContact
Math Dept.
Math logo 400-Series CoursesTimetableInstructorWebpage
Got it   Need itMATH 403HAdvanced Numerical Methods
Got it   Need itMATH 405H Advanced methods of
    applied mathematics
Got it   Need itMATH 406HMeasure and integration Now Math 409H
Got it   Need itMATH 407HAdvanced Complex Analysis
Got it   Need itMATH 409HMeasure and integration
Got it   Need itMATH 410H Topics in topology
Got it   Need itMATH 411 Intro. to mathematical modellingNow Math 412/413
Got it   Need itMATH 412HMathematical modelling I
Got it   Need itMATH 413HMathematical modelling II
Got it   Need itMATH 415H Mathematical logic 415 homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 416H Computability
Got it   Need itMATH 426H Topics in geometry 426 Homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 431H Galois theory
Got it   Need itMATH 432H Topics in algebra
Got it   Need itMATH 433H Homological Algebra
    and Algebraic Topology
Got it   Need itMATH 435H Modules, Multilinear Algebra,
   and Linear Groups
Got it   Need itMATH 436H Topology II: General topology Discontinued
Got it   Need itMATH 437H Commutative Algebra
    and Algebraic Geometry
Got it   Need itMATH 437H Topics in topologyNow Math 410H
Got it   Need itMATH 451H Mathematical Risk Management
Got it   Need itMATH 451HSampling theory Now Math 456
Got it   Need itMATH 456H Topics in Statistics
Got it   Need itMATH 457H Topics in Stochastic Processes 457 homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 460 Combinatorics and graph theory Now Math 461/462
Got it   Need itMATH 461H Intro. to Graph Theory
Got it   Need itMATH 462H Intro. to Combinatorics
Got it   Need itMATH 470 Dynamic. syst., chaos & fractals Now Math 471/472
Got it   Need itMATH 471H Chaos, Symbolic dynamics,
   and fractals
Got it   Need itMATH 472H Fractals & complex dynamics
Got it   Need itMATH 481HPerspectives in Mathematics I [Team Taught] 481 homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 482HPerspectives in Mathematics II [Team Taught] 482 homepage
Got it   Need itMATH 490 Reading-seminar courseContact
Math Dept.
Got it   Need itMATH 491HReading-seminar courseContact
Math Dept.
Got it   Need itMATH 492HReading-seminar courseContact
Math Dept.
Got it   Need itMATH 493H Reading-seminar courseContact
Math Dept.
Got it   Need itMATH 494H Reading-seminar courseContact
Math Dept.

Instructions: Check off all the courses you've already taken (`Got it') and the courses you want (`Need it'), and then click `Show me the way'. You will see a diagram of the prerequisite courses you must take to reach your goal.

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Developed by Stefan Bilaniuk and Skip Maxwell.
Maintained by Marcus Pivato.
Last updated 2002-10-02