Euclid Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to Euclid! This document is intended to help you use the facilities of this computer. It is arranged in a question-and-answer format.



How do I get online help?

There are five options.

How do I get more help?

First, please read this document carefully to see if your question is already answered. If you can't find the answer, then send an email to the account To do this from Euclid, type:

pine requests

Alternately, if it is urgent, you can phone me at (748-1011)-1293.

How do I log in?

Log into Euclid using the Secure Shell program SSH. (We have blocked telnet access to Euclid because telnet is not secure.) When you log in via SSH, you interact with Euclid via a a login shell. See the section What is my `login shell'? for more information.

How to install and use SSH:

How do I transfer files?

Connect Euclid using the Secure File Transfer Protocol program SFTP. (We have blocked FTP access to Euclid because FTP is not secure.)

Use the following commands within SFTP:

What password should I use, and how do I change it?

It is very important, when you log in for the first time, to change your password immediately. The `initial' password you were given is not secure.

To change your password, type passwd. You will see:

Changing password for yourname

(current) UNIX password:

Type your current password, hit return, and then enter your new password. You will have to type it a second time for confirmation.

Remember that the security of your account is not just your problem ---it is everyone's problem. If your security is compromised, then everyone's security is potentially compromised.

You should choose a password that is hard to guess. Your password should be at least 8 characters long, and a mixture of numbers and upper and lower case letters.

Finally, remember to always, always back up all critical data (eg. student marks, research papers, etc.) on another computer. That way, even if all your files are destroyed on one system, you can recover.

UNIX basics

What are files and directories?

Files are digital repositories of information. Each file contains some self-contained body of information: a document, an image, or a working computer program. You can imagine them to be the electronic equivalent of the books, papers, pictures, tools, or kitchen utensils that you leave lying around your house.

Directories are the virtual `spaces' where files reside. You can imagine each directory to be like a `room' in a vast mansion. The files `in' that directory are like the books, pictures, and tools you find in that room. You can inspect these objects (ie. `read' a file) or use these tools (ie. `execute' a program). You can also copy them, rename them, or move them to another location.

The directories are arranged in a huge tree, like a family tree. Each directory has one or more subdirectories (its `children') and also a single `parent' directory. This structure is called the directory tree. Wherever you are, you are on some branch of the directory tree.

What are filenames and pathnames?

Every person has a first name and a family name. Generally, their family name reflects their ancestry. In some cultures, the family name has the form `Bob son of John son of Brian son of William' etc. You address someone by their first name if you're close to them, and you use their family name if you are distant.

In the same way, each file has a filename (like its `first name') and path name which reflects its full `ancestry' in the directory tree. For example, consider a file named mywork.tex in the subdirectory Work of the home directory of a user named bob. The filename of this file is just mywork.tex. However, its full pathname is:


How you address a file depends upon its physical location relative to you. You need to specify enough of its pathname to draw a path from your current directory to the file's location. This is called a relative pathname. For example, suppose you wanted to read the file mywork.tex. If you were currently in the directory /home/bob/Work/, then you would type:

 less mywork.tex

If you were in the directory /home/bob/, you would need to type:

 less Work/mywork.tex

Suppose you were in another subdirectory of /home/bob/. For example, suppose you were in /home/bob/Funstuff/. You use the symbol `../' to mean `the parent directory to where I am now'. Hence, you would type:

 less ../Work/mywork.tex

If you were in directory /home/alice/, you would type:

 less ../Bob/Work/mywork.tex

If you were in directory /home/alice/Research/Stochastic/, you would type:

 less ../../../Bob/Work/mywork.tex

At a certain point, these relative pathnames can obviously become quite complex. An alternative is to use the absolute pathname of the file. You can do this from anywhere in the directory tree. Just type:

 less /home/bob/Work/mywork.tex

Finally, if you are the user bob, then a shortcut is available. No matter where you are in the directory tree, you can use `~' to refer to your home directory. Thus, you could type:

 less ~/Work/mywork.tex

Euclid translates this to mean ``less /home/bob/Work/mywork.tex'' Note that you could not do this if you were alice, because then Euclid would translate it to mean ``less /home/alice/Work/mywork.tex''.

What is my `home directory'?

When you log in, the place you find yourself is your home directory. All of your files are stored in your home directory, or in subdirectories of your home directory. Each user has their own home directory; The user alice has the home directory /home/alice/

What is my `login shell'?

When you log in using SSH, you interact with the computer by typing commands. The thing you are typing commands into is your login shell. Think of it as your `virtual body', which you use to move through the `space' of directories.

You interact with Euclid by typing `commands' into the shell. A UNIX command takes the form:

commandname -s1 -s2.... filename1 filename2 ....

Here, commandname is the name of a program to be executed, -s1 -s2.... are one or more `switches' which modify the behaviour of the program, and filename1 filename2... are the names of one or more files which the program is supposed to read as input, or transform in some way.

For example, to compress files, I use a program called gzip. To compress a file named `masterwork.tex', I would type:

gzip masterwork.tex

I can also use the `-v9' switch to specify `maximum compression'. Then I would type:

gzip -v9 masterwork.tex

Note: UNIX commands are case sensitive. Thus, the program gzip is not the same as a program named `Gzip'; the file named `masterwork.tex' is not the same as a file named `MasterWork.tex'; the switch `-V9' may not have the same effect as the switch `-v9'. The following commands do not mean the same thing:

gzip -v9 masterwork.tex

gzip -V9 masterwork.tex


What are the special features of the login shell?   Your login shell has several convenient features:

How do I change directories?

You use the cd (`Change Directories') command. If you are in the directory /home/bob/ and you want to go to the subdirectory /home/bob/Work, you type:

cd Work

If you are in the directory /home/bob/ and you want to go to the subdirectory /home/bob/Work/Research/Galois/, you type:

cd Work/Research/Galois

You use ` ../' to refer to the `parent' of the directory you are currently in. For example, if you are in subdirectory /home/bob/Work/ and you want to go to directory /home/bob/, you type:

 cd .. 

If you are in the subdirectory /home/bob/Work/Research/Galois/ and you want to go to the directory /home/bob/, you type:

 cd ../../.. 

If you are in the subdirectory /home/bob/Work/Research/Galois/ and you want to go to the directory /home/bob/Work/Research/Homology, you type:

 cd ../Homology 

If you are in the subdirectory /home/bob/Work/Research/Galois/ and you want to go to the directory /home/bob/Work/Teaching/Calculus, you type:

 cd ../../Teaching/Calculus

Finally, if you are the user bob, then a shortcut is available. No matter where you are in the directory tree, you can use `~' to refer to your home directory. Thus, you could type:

 cd ~/Research/Teaching/Calculus

How do I see what directory I'm in?

Type `pwd' (`Print Working Directory').

How do I see the files in a directory?

Use the command ls (`LiSt'). This is a very powerful command. To see a short list of all files in your current directory, type


If you are in the directory /home/bob/ and you want to see the subdirectory /home/bob/Work, you type:

ls Work

If you are in the directory /home/bob/ and you want to see the subdirectory /home/bob/Work/Research/Galois/, you type:

ls Work/Research/Galois

You use ` ../' to refer to the `parent' of the directory you are currently in. For example, if you are in subdirectory /home/bob/Work/ and you want to go to directory /home/bob/, you type:

 ls .. 

If you are in the subdirectory /home/bob/Work/Research/Galois/ and you want to see the directory /home/bob/Work/Research/Homology, you type:

 ls ../Homology

To see all files that begin with the word `linear', type:

 ls linear* 

To see all files that end with `.tex' type:

 ls *.tex 

To get a more verbose list, with information about the sizes, ages, and file permissions of all the files, use the `-l' option. Type:

 ls -l 

For example, suppose you were in the subdirectory /home/bob/Work/Research/Galois/ and you want to get detailed information about all the LATEX files in directory /home/bob/Work/Research/Homology which began with the word `functor'. You would type:

 ls -l ../Homology/functor*.tex 

How do I copy files?

Use the cp (`CoPy') command. To copy the file stuff to a file named morestuff, type:

cp stuff morestuff

To copy the file stuff to a file named morestuff in the subdirectory Work/, type:

cp stuff Work/morestuff

To copy the file stuff to a file also named stuff in the subdirectory Work/, type:

cp stuff Work/

How do I move or rename files?

Use the mv (`MoVe') command. To rename the file stuff to morestuff, type:

mv stuff morestuff

To move the file stuff to a file named morestuff in the subdirectory Work/, type:

mv stuff Work/morestuff

To move the file stuff to a file also named stuff in the subdirectory Work/, type:

mv stuff Work/

How do I delete files/directories?

To delete a file, use the command rm (`ReMove'). To remove the file stuff, type:

 rm stuff

To remove the file stuff in the subdirectory Work, type:

 rm Work/stuff

To remove a directory, use the command rmdir (`ReMove DIRectory'). To remove the directory Work/, type:

 rmdir Work

Note: The rmdir command will only work if the directory Work/ is empty. To remove all files (but no subdirectories) of Work/, type

 rm Work/*

To remove all (empty) subdirectories of Work/, type

 rmdir Work/*

Unfortunately, this will not remove any nonempty subdirectories. To destroy all files and all subdirectories of Work/, we use the `-R' (`recursive') option. Type:

 rm -R Work/*

Warning: Never, ever use the `-R' option with rm unless you are absolutely, absolutely sure of what you are doing. With a single keystroke, you may accidentally wipe out your entire filesystem. If you ever plan to use rm -R, then doublecheck that you have correctly specified the pathname. Then recite the Greek alphabet backwards, from omega to alpha. Then doublecheck again. Only then should you press RETURN

In particular, never, ever, ever type `` rm -R *'', unless you want to destroy everything in your current directory and in all subdirectories.

How do I learn more about UNIX?

There are many, many introductions to UNIX available in the bookstore. I strongly suggest you invest in one. It will pay for itself 10 times over.

Documents: Editing, Printing, Converting

How do I view text files?

To view a text file named stuff, type:

 less stuff 

How do I edit files?

We have two editors, Pico and Emacs. We also have a powerful word-processor called OpenOffice, similar to Micro$oft Office.

What is Pico and how do I use it?

Pico is a very simple and basic editor, identical to the one found in the email program Pine. To edit a text file named stuff, type: pico stuff. To quit pico, type [CTRl]-X.

Help: There are two sources of help for pico:

What is Emacs and how do I use it?

Emacs is an extremely powerful editor (practically an operating system). Emacs has a graphical user interface and a text-based interface.

To quit Emacs, type [CTRl]-X and then [CTRl]-C.

Help: There are three sources of help for Emacs:

What is OpenOffice and how do I use it?

OpenOffice is an open-source clone of Micro$oft Office, and provides comprehensive word processing/spreadsheet/database capabilities.

To run OpenOffice, either click on the icon, or, from a shell, type ooffice &. To quit OpenOffice, drag down the File menu (top left-hand corner) and select Exit (the very last option).

Online Help: Drag down the Help menu (top right-hand corner), and select Contents (the first option). After a moment you will be presented with a table of contents of the OpenOffice online manual.

How do I print files?

Euclid has a full-duplex laser printer. To print a file named `stuff' in full duplex (ie. double-sided pages), type:

 print stuff 

(it doesn't matter whether stuff is LATEX, DVI, PostScript, PDF, etc.) To print the file stuff with single-sided pages, type:

 print1 stuff 

To print a rough draft of the file stuff for proofreading, type:

 printd stuff 

(this will save on toner). To pick up your print job, come by Marcus's office (OC 221.1). You should phone first (1293) to make sure he is in his office.

Note: You are welcome to use the printer as much as you want. However, please ask Marcus before launching extremely large print jobs (in excess of 100 pages). Also, please do not use the printer as a photocopier. Do not print the same file 80 times in a row. Photocopier toner is much cheaper than laserprinter toner, so using a laserprinter as a photocopier is a waste of money. It is also a waste of other people's time, because a laser printer is much slower than a photocopier, and it may take a full hour to print 80 copies, during which time no one else can use the printer. Don't do it.

Document conversion:

How do I convert LATEX to DVI?

  Type latex [filename].tex.

How do I convert DVI to PostScript?

  Type dvi2ps [filename].dvi.

How do I convert PostScript to PDF?

  Type ps2pdf [filename].ps.

How do I convert PDF to PostScript?

  Type pdf2ps [filename].pdf.

How do I convert HTML to PostScript?

  Type html2ps [filename].html.

How do I convert HTML to PDF?

  Type html2pdf [filename].html.

How do I convert LATEX to to PDF?

Type latex2pdf [filename].tex

This invokes the program vtex. One advantage of direct LATEX-to-PDF conversion is that LATEX cross-referencing commands (like \ref{} or \cite{} are translated into hyperlinks within the PDF document. To do this, use Sebastian Rahtz's HyperRef package. Insert the following line at the beginning of your LATEX document:


Then compile the file using latex2pdf. All the \ref{} and \cite{} commands in your document will become PDF hyperlinks.

How do I convert LATEX to HTML?

Type latex2html [filename].tex

This invokes Nikos Drakos' LaTeX2HTML program. The conversion process is quite lengthy, and the output is often quite huge. Typing latex2html foobar.tex will create a directory named foobar/, and, within this directory, a very large number of HTML and GIF files.

How do I convert Micro$oft(c) Word(c) .DOC files to PostScript?

  To do this, you must use OpenOffice.
  1. Run OpenOffice.
  2. Suppose the .DOC file is called important_memo.doc. To load it, drag down the File menu (top left-hand corner) and select Open (the second option). A file-choosing dialog box will appear. Navigate to the correct directory, and when you see the file important_memo.doc, double-click on it.
  3. Now you have several options:
    • To print the file: drag down the File menu (top left-hand corner) and select Print (about half-way down). A dialog box called Print will appear. Select the appropriate options and click OK.
    • To convert to PostScript: drag down the File menu (top left-hand corner) and select Print (about half-way down). Click on the checkbox Print to file. A dialog box called Save as will appear. Type in the filename you want to save under (eg. `'), and click Save. The `Save as' dialog box will disappear. Now, in the `Print' dialog box, click OK.
    • To convert to another format (eg.text): drag down the File menu (top left-hand corner) and select Save as. A dialog box called Save as will appear. Use the File Type selector to select the desired file type (eg. `text'). Also type in the filename you wish to save under (eg. `gratuitous_administrivia.txt'). Then click OK.


How do I read/send my mail from my login shell?

Type: pine. Then follow the instructions.

What is WebMail, and how can I use it?

Euclid has a web-based email interface called SquirrelMail. To access it, direct your browser to:

SquirrelMail is very similar to GroupWise, but with two major advantages:

Can I read/send my mail with web-based email software like Micro$oft Outlook or Netscape Communicator?

Certainly, provided that your software supports secure email (either POP or IMAP).

You can use any email software which supports Secure IMAP and POP mail retrieval with your Euclid account. A description of IMAP and POP is given below, or you can find out how to configure secure IMAP or how to configure secure POP using many popular email reading programs.


When connecting to Euclid via Secure POP and Secure IMAP, you may receive a pop-up window informing you that ``This site's certificate could not be verified''. If this happens, simply click the 'Continue' or 'OK' buttons; optionally, if your program has this option, you can choose (via a checkbox) to 'Always accept this certificate'. This is recommended, and will prevent these pop-up windows from reappearing.

What is Secure POP Mail?

Secure POP is one method for email retrieval. When using a secure POP mail reader (such as Outlook, Mozilla Mail, etc) one can retrieve the contents of their email remotely, and with better security than normal email readers. This means that you can access your Euclid email from home by setting up a secure POP compatible mail reader.

*NOTE* If you use POP mail from one computer, and then want to access your saved email messages from a different computer (on-campus, your office, etc) you will discover your inbox is empty. This is due to the fact that POP mail downloads your email from Euclid to your computers hard drive. For many users this is completely acceptable, if you are not one of these users, then read the section below on IMAP access, which does not delete your mail from the Euclid server.

What is Secure IMAP Mail?

Secure IMAP mail is another method of email retrieval. With Secure IMAP you can use an email client program (Netscape Communicator, M$ Outlook, etc) to interact with your Euclid email account. With Secure IMAP, when you download your email onto a computer, the emails are not deleted from the Euclid server. For example, this means that if you want to have access to your email from home via IMAP, and still be able to log into Euclid with SSH and use PINE, your emails will be visible from both locations.

How do I configure Secure POP?

Quick setup information for experts:

(full instructions are given below for non-experts)

Setting up POP in Netscape Mail (versions < 6.0)

Netscape Versions less than 6.0 may not use POP mail because these versions do not support secure password authentication. If you are using Netscape with a version number less than 6.0, please refer to the section on setting up IMAP mail, as netscape WILL support secure IMAP.

Setting up POP in Mozilla Mail (or Netscape versions >= 6.0)

  1. In a Mozilla browser window, click the WINDOW menu
  2. click the MAIL & NEWSGROUPS option
  3. click the EDIT menu and choose MAIL & NEWS ACCOUNT SETTINGS
    At this point you will see a split screen window, on the left will be a list of options to choose from, and on the right will be associated text boxes and check boxes.
  4. Select 'OUTGOING SERVER (SMTP)' from the left, and then
  5. On the right, there is a box asking for SERVER NAME. In this box you will enter text depending on which of the following situations you are in:

    If you setting this up from your HOME computer, (ie: NOT your office computer) then in the box you must enter the address provided by your internet provider for SMTP Service. For example, if you are on Bell Sympatico, you would enter:
    or some variant thereof.

    If you are setting this up from your OFFICE computer, you may use the Euclid SMTP server PROVIDED that you have given the System Administrator your computers IP address. The address you would fill in your SMTP SERVER would then be:

  6. Click the 'ADD ACCOUNT' button, and the "Account Wizard" will appear
  7. Select the 'EMAIL ACCOUNT' option and click NEXT
  8. Fill in your NAME and FULL email address (ie:, and click NEXT
  9. Select the POP Option and then enter: in the box asking for INCOMING SERVER; then click NEXT
  10. Now enter your Euclid user name (the part before the in your email address); then click NEXT
  11. Now give this account a Nickname you can refer to (ie: Euclid Account); then click NEXT
  12. Review the information presented, and the click FINISH.
  13. Now, on the left of your screen, select the option 'SERVER SETTINGS'
  14. On the right of your screen, check the box labeled "USE SECURE CONNECTION (SSL)"
  15. Click OK
  16. you are now ready to use Mozilla with your Euclid email account.

Setting up POP in Micro$oft Outlook Express

  1. From your Outlook main screen Click the TOOLS menu, and choose ACCOUNTS
  2. Click the ADD button, and then choose MAIL
  3. Enter your full name and click NEXT
  4. Select 'I already have an email address' and enter your euclid email address in the box.
  5. Click NEXT
  6. From the drop-down list, select POP
  7. For the INCOMING MAIL SERVER, enter:
  8. For the OUTGOING MAIL (SMTP) SERVER box, you will enter text depending on which of the following situations you are in:

    If you setting this up from your HOME computer, (ie: NOT your office computer) then in the box you must enter the address provided by your internet provider for SMTP Service. For example, if you are on Bell Sympatico, you would enter:
    or some variant thereof.

    If you are setting this up from your OFFICE computer, you may use the Euclid SMTP server PROVIDED that you have given the System Administrator your computers IP address. The address you would fill in your SMTP SERVER would then be:

  9. Click NEXT
  10. Enter your account name (the part before your email address)
  11. Enter your account password, then click NEXT
  12. Click FINISH
  13. you will now see a list of ACCOUNTS, near the bottom you should see ''
  14. Click this entry ONCE, and then click the PROPERTIES button
  15. Click on the ADVANCED tab (near the top of the window)
  16. You will see 'INCOMING MAIL ( POP3)' and then a checkbox which says 'THIS SERVER REQUIRES A SECURE CONNECTION (SSL)', check this box.
    **NOTE** DO NOT Check the box below 'OUTGOING MAIL (SMTP) **
  17. Click OK
  18. Click CLOSE
  19. You are now ready to use Outlook Express with your Euclid email account.

My email program wasn't listed above!

If you aren't using one of the above email programs, you can still use the Euclid mail server. Consult your programs' documentation or website for information on how to configure it. Use the following as your server settings:

NOTE: Remember to select SECURE CONNECTIONS when configuring your software

How do I configure Secure IMAP?

Quick setup information for experts:

(full instructions are given below for non-experts)

Setting up IMAP in Netscape Mail (versions < 6.0)

  1. In a Netscape browser window, click the COMMUNICATOR menu
  2. click the MESSENGER option
  3. click the EDIT menu, and choose PREFERENCES
    At this point you will see a split screen window, on the left will be a list of options to choose from, and on the right will be associated text boxes and check boxes.
  4. click IDENTITY on the left, and then on the right, enter at least your Full name and Email address (ie: )
  5. click MAIL SERVERS on the left, and then on the right click the 'Add..' button.
  6. a new window will appear. In the GENERAL section, where it says SERVER NAME enter the text:
  7. Select IMAP from the SERVER TYPE dropdown list
  8. where it says USER NAME, enter your Euclid user name. (this is the part before in your email address)
  9. Click on the ' IMAP' tab (near the top of this window)
  10. check the box labelled 'USE SECURE CONNECTION (SSL)'
  11. Click OK
  12. On the screen you sent back to, there is a spot which is asking for OUTGOING MAIL (SMTP) SERVER. In this box you will enter text depending on which of the following situations you are in:

    If you setting this up from your HOME computer, (ie: NOT your office computer) then in the box you must enter the address provided by your internet provider for SMTP Service. For example, if you are on Bell Sympatico, you would enter:
    or some variant thereof.

    If you are setting this up from your OFFICE computer, you may use the Euclid SMTP server PROVIDED that you have given the System Administrator your computers IP address. The address you would fill in your SMTP SERVER would then be:

  13. For the option OUTGOING MAIL USER NAME, enter your Euclid user name (the part before in your email address)
  14. Click OK
  15. You are now ready to use Netscape email with your Euclid email account.

Setting up IMAP in Mozilla Mail (or Netscape versions >= 6.0)

  1. In a Mozilla browser window, click the WINDOW menu
  2. click the MAIL & NEWSGROUPS option
  3. click the EDIT menu and choose MAIL & NEWS ACCOUNT SETTINGS
    At this point you will see a split screen window, on the left will be a list of options to choose from, and on the right will be associated text boxes and check boxes.
  4. Select 'OUTGOING SERVER (SMTP)' from the left, and then
  5. On the right, there is a box asking for SERVER NAME. In this box you will enter text depending on which of the following situations you are in:

    If you setting this up from your HOME computer, (ie: NOT your office computer) then in the box you must enter the address provided by your internet provider for SMTP Service. For example, if you are on Bell Sympatico, you would enter:
    or some variant thereof.

    If you are setting this up from your OFFICE computer, you may use the Euclid SMTP server PROVIDED that you have given the System Administrator your computers IP address. The address you would fill in your SMTP SERVER would then be:

  6. Click the 'ADD ACCOUNT' button, and the "Account Wizard" will appear
  7. Select the 'EMAIL ACCOUNT' option and click NEXT
  8. Fill in your NAME and FULL email address (ie:, and click NEXT
  9. Select the IMAP Option and then enter: in the box asking for INCOMING SERVER; then click NEXT
  10. Now enter your Euclid user name (the part before the in your email address); then click NEXT
  11. Now give this account a Nickname you can refer to (ie: Euclid Account); then click NEXT
  12. Review the information presented, and the click FINISH.
  13. Now, on the left of your screen, select the option 'SERVER SETTINGS'
  14. On the right of your screen, check the box labeled "USE SECURE CONNECTION (SSL)"
  15. Click OK
  16. you are now ready to use Mozilla with your Euclid email account.

Setting up IMAP in Micro$oft Outlook Express

  1. From your Outlook main screen Click the TOOLS menu, and choose ACCOUNTS
  2. Click the ADD button, and then choose MAIL
  3. Enter your full name and click NEXT
  4. Select 'I already have an email address' and enter your euclid email address in the box.
  5. Click NEXT
  6. From the drop-down list, select IMAP
  7. For the INCOMING MAIL SERVER, enter:
  8. For the OUTGOING MAIL (SMTP) SERVER box, you will enter text depending on which of the following situations you are in:

    If you setting this up from your HOME computer, (ie: NOT your office computer) then in the box you must enter the address provided by your internet provider for SMTP Service. For example, if you are on Bell Sympatico, you would enter:
    or some variant thereof.

    If you are setting this up from your OFFICE computer, you may use the Euclid SMTP server PROVIDED that you have given the System Administrator your computers IP address. The address you would fill in your SMTP SERVER would then be:

  9. Click NEXT
  10. Enter your account name (the part before your email address)
  11. Enter your account password, then click NEXT
  12. Click FINISH
  13. you will now see a list of ACCOUNTS, near the bottom you should see ''
  14. Click this entry ONCE, and then click the PROPERTIES button
  15. Click on the ADVANCED tab (near the top of the window)
  16. You will see 'INCOMING MAIL ( IMAP)' and then a checkbox which says 'THIS SERVER REQUIRES A SECURE CONNECTION (SSL)', check this box.
    **NOTE** DO NOT Check the box below 'OUTGOING MAIL (SMTP) **
  17. Click OK
  18. Click CLOSE
  19. You are now ready to use Outlook Express with your Euclid email account.

My email program wasn't listed above!

If you aren't using one of the above email programs, you can still use the Euclid mail server. Consult your programs' documentation or website for information on how to configure it. Use the following as your server settings:

NOTE: Remember to select SECURE CONNECTIONS when configuring your software

How do I forward mail from my Groupwise account to Euclid?

  1. Log into your Trent mail account.
  2. Click on the `Options' icon. It looks like this: , and is the middle of the three icons you see at the top of your browser window.
  3. A subsidiary window will open, called `Novell WebAccess Options'. It looks like this:

  4. Click on `Rules'. You should then see this:

  5. Click on the checkbox that says `Vacation'. Change it to say `Forward'.
  6. Click `Create'. You will then see the following window:

  7. Type `forward' in the `Rule Name:' input box.
  8. Type `' in the `To:' input box. You should now see this:

  9. Click `save'. You will see a warning saying:
    You have not defined a rule condition. If a condition is not defined, this rule will apply to ALL new messages received. To continue, save this rule with or without a condition.
  10. Ignore this. Click `save' again.

How do I forward mail from Euclid to another email account?

Create a file in your home directory called .qmail. This file should contain a single line of text: your other email address. For example, if you wanted mail forwarded to, then the .qmail file should simply say:

I don't know X's email address. How can I find it?

Trent University maintains a central searchable directory of all Trent email addresses, called an LDAP server. You must first configure pine to access this server. From the Main Menu in pine do the following:
  1. Press S for SETUP.
  2. Press D for DIRECTORY.
  3. Press A for ADD.
  4. Press ENTER to add text into the first field.
  5. Type: .
  6. Press ENTER .
  7. Hit E to quit.
  8. Hit Y to save.
  9. Again, press A for ADD.
  10. Again, press ENTER to add text into the first field.
  11. Type:
  12. Again, press ENTER.
  13. Again, hit E to quit.
  14. Again, hit Y to save.

When you go to the Address Book in pine, you will see:

  Personal AddressBook in .addressbook
  Directory Server on
  Directory Server on

Choose to search for the email address of any Trent faculty member. Choose to search for the email address of any Trent student member.

How do I avoid spam?

Spam is unsolicited `junk' email. Some of it is advertising, some of it is email viruses, and some of it is just harassment.

Spam is created by sending mail to to huge `mailing lists'; these lists are automatically generated by simple computer programs. The best way to avoid spam is to keep your name off these lists as much as possible. Since they are generated by machines, they are not impossible to fool. In particular:

How to spot spam: The following warning signs suggest that an unopened peice of mail is spam:

How does automatic spam filtering work?

Euclid employs automatic spam filtration software called SpamAssassin to scan incoming mail for spam. SpamAssassin assigns a numerical rating from 0 to 15 to each email; the higher the rating, the more likely that it is spam.

You have a personal spam threshold (initially set to 6). If an incoming email exceeds that threshold, then it is flagged as ***SPAM*** when it appears in your mailbox. This means that, in SpamAssassin's estimation, it is probably spam. You may still want to glance at it briefly, however;   it may be legitimate.

There is also a global spam threshold (currently 15) which applies to all Euclid users. If an email exceeds this threshold, then:

  1. The email is entirely blocked. You will not see it in your mailbox.
  2. The original sender is sent an automated reply, informing them that their email has been blocked as `probable spam'.
  3. A record of the email (sender and subject line) is made in your personal SpamLog.

Once a day, you will receive (by email) a SpamLog, containing the sender and subject lines of of all spam mails that were blocked during the last 24 hours. This gives you one last opportunity to make sure that nothing legitimate is getting blocked.

If the spam filtering system is not performing as desired, you can modify its behaviour with three commands:

What do I do about viruses?

Don't worry about Euclid being `infected' by a virus. This is a UNIX system, and we don't get viruses. You should be concerned about the following:


How do I create webpages on Euclid?

In your home directory, there is a subdirectory called www/. Any file you put into this directory will be visible to anyone on the World Wide Web. Because of this, do not put any confidential or sensitive information in the www/ directory.

How do I create webpages on Ebony?

Ebony is the main Trent University webserver, and is the home of all webpages whose names begin: To create webpages here, you must

  1. Obtain an Ebony account from the Computing Services Department. (This usually takes a while). Send mail to

    You will be given an account with the same name as your email account, and a cryptic password like ``Q3srTa4qD'' (which you cannot change).

  2. Create and edit your files on your own computer, until you are happy with them.

  3. Log into Ebony using FTP (you are not allowed to log in using telnet, SSH, or SFTP, for `security' reasons)

  4. Type cd /cwis/www/academic/math/ to get to the Mathematics webspace on Ebony.

  5. Upload your files to the proper location inside the Mathematics webspace.

IF you aren't happy with the way the files look, repeat steps 2-5.

How do I see my Euclid webpages?

All of your webpages will be visible at the URL For example, suppose the user named alice created a file called research.html in her www/ directory. To see it, you would send your browser to

The file `index.html' is always the `default' file in any directory. For example, suppose alice created the directory www/Teaching/, and then created the file www/Teaching/index.html. To see it, you could go to

but you could also just go to

How do I learn more about HTML?

Two good references are:


What is MAPLE and how do I run it?

MAPLE is a powerful symbolic manipulation package created by the MAPLE project at Waterloo University. Using MAPLE, you can solve complex algebraic or differential equations and manipulate or compute expressions involving integrals, (power) series, and special functions. You can also generate 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional plots or even animations. MAPLE 9 is the latest version, and features powerful tools for designing audiovisial or interactive learning aids for teaching mathematics.

MAPLE 9 has three user interfaces:

The 'standard' graphical interface is a new interface in MAPLE, which feels very similar to a web browser. To run MAPLE, in `standard' mode, either click on the icon      ,   or, from a shell, type: xmaple.

The 'classic' graphical interface is what users of previous versions of MAPLE will be familiar with. To run MAPLE, in `classic' mode either click on the icon      ,   or, from a shell, type cmaple or maple -cw.

The text-based interface is good for accessing MAPLE remotely over the internet, but is quite unfriendly for novices. To run MAPLE, in text mode from a shell, type: maple.

Help: MAPLE comes with extensive online help. We also have a short Web-based introduction.

To quit MAPLE, type: ` quit;'.

What is Maxima and how do I run it?

Maxima is a powerful open source symbolic manipulation package. It is similar to MAPLE, but is a noncommercial endeavour of the Maxima Project

To run Maxima, from a shell, type maxima. To quit Maxima, type: `quit();'.

Help: There are three sources of help for Maxima:

What is GNUPlot and how do I run it?

GNUPlot is a simple graphing program which allows you to plot curves and surfaces in two or three dimensions. GNUPlot is not as sophisticated as MAPLE or Maxima, but has the advantage of being small, efficient, and relatively simple to use.

To run GNUPlot from a shell, type: gnuplot. To quit GNUplot, type: `quit;'.

Help: There are three sources of help for GNUplot:

What is Xcalc and how do I run it?

Xcalc is a scientific calculator with a graphical user interface that emulates a TI-30 or HP-10C pocket calculator.

To run Xcalc from a shell, type `xcalc &'.

What is DC and how do I run it?

DC is a reverse-polish desk calculator which supports unlimited precision arithmetic. It also allows you to define and call macros. For more information, consult this Web-based introduction

What is BC and how do I run it?

BC is a C-like language that supports arbitrary precision numbers with interactive execution of statements. For more information, consult this Web-based introduction

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This document was prepared by Adam Hulcoop and Marcus Pivato, and was last updated 2003-09-01