

Plot is a package of programs written in Shang language for creating scientific graphs and mathematical illustrations. These graphs and drawings can be 2D or 3D, black and white or colored. The graphs are saved as postcript files which can be easily viewed or converted to other image formats.

The original purpose of plot is to test the OOP related features of Shang. Currently it has a number of limitations to overcome. These include problems related to text alignment, non-ascii text printing, legend, hidden surface removal, and better treatment of intersection of surfaces, etc.

Postscript viewer

plot is not part of the core of the language -- it is a program written in Shang. Shang does not have built-in graphical capabilities. The figures produced by the plot program are postscript files and need a viewer to be displayed and printed.
  1. Install postscript and ghostview on your computer so that postscript files can be viewed, printed, and converted to other formats. For MS Windows, the programs can be obtained from
  2. Run plot.x before making any plot. This can be done manually or putting with("plot.x") in your program.

A simple example

After running the following commands, the graphs of the two functions and will be plotted and saved in the file test.eps.

x = linspace(0, 10 * pi, 500);
y1 = cos(x) .* exp(-.1 * x);
y2 = sin(x) .* exp(-.1 * x);
fig =;
fig.plot(x, y1);
fig.plot(x, y2);"test.eps");
Image test

Structure of plot

The whole program resides in the file plot.x. It consists of the following classes, and a few global variable definitions.

a postscript driver with many plotting commands. It is possible to work with these low level routines directly if you're familiar with the postcript language. This class is not documented and you need to look into the source file in order to use it.


2d figure class for creating 2D graphs. There are several attributes corresponding to the the building blocks of figures. All are modifiable. If you want to improve them you can look through the source file.


3d figure class. Draw 2d surfaces and 1d curves in space.


creating bar graphs given a set of data.


creating pie charts given a set of percentages.

2D plot

figure is a class. To make a 2D plot, you first create a member of the this class. It is like a blank canvas and you can add graphical elements such as curves, lines, symbols, etc, to it using functions defined for figure class. When everything is added to the figure, it can be saved in a postscript file, which can then be displayed or printed.

  1. Create a figure.

    Use the following command to create a figure and assign it to a variable named "fig":

    fig =;

  2. Plot data.

    plot is an attribute function of figure and can treat two vectors x and y as coordinates of the locations of a sequence of points in the 2d plane. Marks can be drawn at these locations, or lines and curves drawn through them. The command for plotting x and y data on figure fig is

    fig.plot(x, y, linetype, linewidth, color, gray);
    where x and y are two vectors of the same length. The plot can be straight line segements joining the points, marks placed at the locations defined by x and y, or a smooth curve (a piece-wise cubic polynomial) through the dots. The type of the plot is specified by the argument linetype.

    solid -- dotty ....
    dash - - - - dashdot --.--.--.
    dot . . . . circle
    oval square
    diamond cross
    flake asterisk
    triangle dtriangle
    plus +++ curve (smooth curve)

    linewidth is a number. The line to be drawn will be linewidth times as wide as the default linewidth. For example, to make the line twice as wide as the normal, use value 2.

    color is a vector of three numbers between 0 and 1, with each component representing the intensity of red, green, or blue. gray is a number between 0 and 1.

    It's not necessary to provide all the arguments to plot. The default values of linetype, linewidth, color, and gray are "solid", 1, [0, 0, 0], and 1. Therefore a simple call

    fig.plot(x, y);
    will draw solid straight line segments through the (x, y) points; the width of the lines is 1 unit, and the color is black. This is because that when calling a function, you may provide only the first few arguments, the others will receive default values. For example,

    xx = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    yy = [0, 1, 0.5, 0.75, 0.625, 0.6875];
    fig.plot(x, y);

    To change the line type,

    fig.plot(xx, yy, "oval");

    To change the line width as well

    fig.plot(xx, yy, "oval", 2);

    If you just want to specify the line width, you still have to provide at least the first four arguments, but you can use default value for the third argument linetype

    fig.plot(xx, yy, *, 2);

    Named argument By the previous way of calling fig.plot, the order of arguments have to match the signature of the function. Alternatively, you can use named arguments. For example

    fig.plot{x = xx, y = yy, linewidth = 2};
    Note that you can not only skip certain arguments, but don't have to follow any specific order of argument either. For example
    fig.plot{y = yy, linewidth = 2, x = xx};
    However you still need to provide the correct names of the arguments, namely, x, y, linewidth, etc.


    xx = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    yy = [0, 1, 0.5, 0.75, 0.625, 0.6875];
    fig =;
    fig.plot(xx, yy, *, *,;
    fig.plot(xx, yy*0.8, "curve", *, colors.purple);
    fig.plot(xx, yy*0.8, "oval");
    fig.plot{x = xx, y = yy*0.3, linetype = "curve", color =};
    fig.plot{x = xx, y = yy*0.3, linetype = "diamond", linewidth = 2, color = colors.olive};"symbols.eps");
    Image symbols

  3. Draw objects

    Some simple shapes can be drawn on the canvas without first defing data.


    fig =;
    fig.line([0, 0], [2, 2], "->");
    fig.ellipse{ox = 0, oy = 0, a = 2, b = 1.5, theta = 0, color =};
    fig.rectangle{x = 0, y = 0, width = 4, height = 3, color = colors.lime}; = "empty";"objects.eps");
    Image objects

  4. modify figure attributes

    A figure has the following attributes that can be modified.

  5. Print text

    A character string can be printed anywhere in the graph. The location, size, and other attributes of the text can be specified, but it usually would take some trial and error to get it right or satisfactory. The following is the command for printing text

    fig.print(x, y, contents, orientation, alignment, color, font, fontstyle,
    where x and y are the coordinates of the location of the text, contents is the text to be printed (a string of characters). The other values are as follows:

    argument allowed values
    orientation "portrait", "landscape"
    alignment "left", "right", "center", "top", "bottom",
    font "Helvetica", "Times", "Courier", "Symbol"
    fontstyle "Regular", "Bold", "Italic", "BoldItalic"
    fontscale positive number
    color vector of three number between 0 and 1

  6. Save a figure.

    You won't see any picture until you save the figure in a file. To save the figure as an encaspuslated postscript file, do For example"flowering-times.eps");
    Note that most of the processing occurs when the figure is being saved, therefore if there's something wrong with the plotting commands, error messages usually are not produced until at this stage.

    After a figure is saved, it still exists and more contents can be added to it and then it can be saved again.

  7. Reset a figure

    If you're not satisfied with how a figure looks, you can erase everything in it by using clear. To delete all elements in a figure and leave it empty

    Or you could simply redo fig = -- the previous value of fig is destroyed.

  8. Working with color

    A color a vector of length three with each element (a number between 0 and 1) representing the intensity of red, green, or blue. Sixteen colors are predefined in the global variable colors.

    global.colors = {
         black = [0, 0, 0],
         gray = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
         silver = [0.75, 0.75, 0.75],
         white = [1, 1, 1],
         yellow = [1, 1, 0],
         lime = [0, 1, 0],
         aqua = [0, 1, 1],
         fuchsia = [1, 0, 1],
         red = [1, 0, 0],
         green = [0, 0.5, 0],
         blue = [0, 0, 1],
         purple = [0.5,  0, 0.5],
         maroon = [0.5, 0, 0],
         olive = [0.5, 0.5, 0],
         navy = [0, 0, 0.5],
         teal = [0, 0.5, 0.5]
    To specify a color, one can give the rgb vector like
    fig.plot{x = xx, y = yy, color = [0.5, 0.7, 0.2]};
    or use one of the predefined colors like
    fig.plot{x = xx, y = yy, color = colors.olive};

    New color definition can be easily added to the global variable colors. For example:

    global.colors.lavender = [0.6, 0.35, 0.73];

3D plot

The 3D figure class can draw surfaces defined by parametric functions, and space curves or meshes according to the given data. If only one object is plotted, the result is usually satisfactory. If several surfaces in the space are shown at the same time, the correction depiction of the intersections cannot be achieved efficiently.

Plot objects in 3D space

To make a 3D plot, you first create a member of the the class figure3d.

  1. To create a 3D figure
    fig =;

  2. Plot a surface
    plot(xf, yf, zf, urange, vrange, meshsize, frontcolor, bgcolor, type);
    where xf, yf, and zf are the three parameteric equations that define the surface to be drawn. Each of them is a function of two parameters. For example, the unit sphere can be represented by the following three equations

    urange is the range of the first parameter. vrange is the range of the second parameter.

    meshsize is a vector of two numbers, which specifies how many points are sampled on urange and vrange. If these numbers are big, the surface will be finer and smoother; otherwise it be more like a polyhedron rather than a smooth surface.

    frontcolor and bgcolor are the colors of the front side and the back side of the surface respectively. Here we suppose that the surface is orientable, i.e., it has two sides.

    type is either solid or contour. If type is solid, the interior of the polygon is painted with the specified color, otherwise only the boundary is painted.

    A semisphere can be drawn using this command

    fig =;
    xf = (u, v) -> cos(u) * cos(v);
    yf = (u, v) -> cos(u) * sin(v);
    zf = (u, v) -> sin(u);
    fig.plot(xf, yf, zf, [-pi/2, 0 ], [0, 2 * pi]);"semisphere.eps");
    Image semisphere

    In the above meshsize, frontcolor, bgcolor, and type are not specified -- the default values are used.

  3. Plot 1D data in space

    Draws a smooth curve through a set of points in the space.

    fig.curve(x, y, z, color, lw);
    x, y, and z are three vectors of the same length which are treated as the coordinates of dots in the space; a smooth curve with width lw through the dots will be drawn. Without some background, it is very hard to tell if a curve is in 3D space. So in the following example, we plot three orthogonal planes to reveal the dimension
    fig =;
    fig.light_direction = [2/3, 1/3, 3/5];
    gx = (y, z) -> 0;
    gy = (x, z) -> 0;
    gz = (x, y) -> 0;
    fig.plot(gx, (y,z)->y, (y,z)->z, [0, 30], [0, 30], [4, 4], rand(3), rand(3));
    fig.plot((x,y)->x, (x,y)->y, gz, [0, 30], [0, 30], [4, 4], rand(3), rand(3));
    fig.plot((x,z)->x, gy, (x,z)->z, [0, 30], [0, 30], [4, 4], rand(3), rand(3));
    t = linspace(0, 10 * pi);
    x = 6 * cos(t) + 10;
    y = 6 * sin(t) + 10;
    fig.curve(x, y, t,, 3);"spiral.eps");
    Image spiral

  4. Plot a polygon in space

    fig.polygon(x, y, z, nv, frontcolor, bgcolor);

    Draws a polygon whose vertices are x, y, and z, normal direction is nv (a 3d vector), colors of front and back are frontcolor and bgcolor.

  5. Plot 2D data in space

    This is like a uniform discretization of a surface over the rectangle . You only need to provide the z coordinates of the points on the surface.

    fig.mesh(v, frontcolor, bgcolor);
    v is a matrix whose elements are treated as the the z coordinates of a set of points. The x and y coordinates are the and .

Customize the plot

A member of the figure3d class has the following attributes:
  1. light_direction

    It's a 3d vector at which the the 3d objects are projected. For example, fig.light_direction = [1, 1, 0.5].

  2. type

    It specifies if the axes are plotted. Choose "boxed" or "empty". For example, fig.type = "empty" will make a graph without axes.

  3. hsr

    hsr specifies how hidden surface removal is done.

    Choose from "auto", "bsp", or "painter". "painter" is more efficient and results in a smaller image size, while "bsp" (binary spatial partitioning) is supposed to render the intersection of the surfaces more accurately. Use fig.hsr = "auto" to let algorithm be automatically selected.

Bar graph

This is a class for creating bar graphs. It draw bars whose lengths are proportional to a small set of data values and hence visually display and compare the data values.

The class is called histogram. To create a memeber of this class

h =, yvalues, grouplabels);
where xlabels is the labels displayed on the horizontal axis used to identify each value. yvalues are the values to be compared. grouplabels is the labels used to identify each group of data. It can be left out if there's only one group.

hist ="a", "b", "c"), ((0.6, 0.25, 0.15), (0.7, 0.32, 0.27), ...
                     (0.9, 0.2, 0.5)), ("Ocean", "Lake", "Pond"));"hist.eps");
Image hist

Pie chart

A pie chart is a circular disk divided into sectors with the angles proportional to a set of frequencies. This is how a pie chart is created.
chart =, labels);
where percentages is the vector of percentages (must add up to 1), and labels is a list of strings used to identify each percentage.

chart =, 0.25, 0.15), ("aaa", "bbb", "ccc"));
chart.font = "Courier";"pie.eps");
Image pie



  1. Lines and curves
         x = linspace(-5, 5, 10);
         fig =;
         /* draw small circles at (x,y) locations */
         /* color is vector of 3 numbers between 0 and 1, in rgb format */
         fig.plot{x=x, y=cos(x), linetype="circle", color=[1, 0, 0]};
         /* connect the dots with solid lines,
            linetype is the default value "solid" */
         fig.plot{x=x, y=cos(x), color=[0,1,0.5]};
         /* draw circular dots at location underneath the previous curve */
         fig.plot{x=x, y=cos(x) -1, linetype="dot", color=[1, 0, 1]};
         /* connect the dots with smooth curve */
         fig.plot{x=x, y=cos(x) -1, linetype="curve", color = [0, 0, 1]};
         /* set the xrange and yrange of the picutre */
         fig.setXrange([-5.5, 5.5]);
         fig.setYrange([-2.5, 1.5]);
    Image curves

  2. Butterfly curves
    fig =;
    for k = 0 : 99
       theta = linspace(k * 2 * pi, (k + 1) * 2 * pi, 500);
       rho = exp(cos(theta)) - 2 * cos(4*theta)+sin(theta/12).^5;
       x = rho .* cos(theta);
       y = rho .* sin(theta);
       fig.plot{x=x, y=y, linetype="curve", color=rand(3)};
    end = "empty";"butterfly.eps");
    fig =;
    for k = 0 : 99
       theta = linspace(k * 2 * pi, (k + 1) * 2 * pi, 500);
       rho = exp(cos(theta)) - 2.1 * cos(6*theta)+sin(theta/30).^7;
       x = rho .* cos(theta);
       y = rho .* sin(theta);
       fig.plot{x=x, y=y, linetype="curve", color=rand(3)};
    end = "empty";"butterfly2.eps");

    Image butterfly
    Image butterfly2

  3. Sierpinsky Gasket
    fig =;
    h = 10 * sin(pi/3);
    x = [-5, 5, 0];
    y = [-h/3, -h/3, h*2/3];
    /* the big solid triangle */
    fig.polygon(x, y, "solid", [0.2, 1, 0.2]);
    /* recursively remove the center of triangle whose vertices are x and y */
    /* figp is pointer to fig object. It needs to be a pointer since function
       remove_triangle_center will modify the figure object
    remove_triangle_center = function (figp, x, y) -> ()
        L = norm([x[2] - x[1], y[2] - y[1]]);
        xo = x.mean;
        yo = y.mean;
        /* midpoints of the sides */
        xm = [x[1] + x[2], x[2] + x[3], x[3] + x[1]] / 2;
        ym = [y[1] + y[2], y[2] + y[3], y[3] + y[1]] / 2;
        /* [1, 1, 1] is color white -- to remove the center */
    	 figp >>. polygon(xm, ym, "solid", [1, 1, 1]);
        theta = pi/5;
        for k = 1 : 10
             cx = xo + L * 0.08*cos(k * theta);
             cy = yo + L * 0.08*sin(k * theta);
             /* draw an ellipse; x and y are center coordinates
                       0.5 and 0.4 are long and short axis
                       0 is angle between long axis and horizontal
                      "contour" is the style -- other option is "solid"
                      [1, 0, 1] is the color -- r=1, g=0, b=1
    			figp >>. ellipse(cx, cy, 0.04 * L, 0.03 * L, 0, "contour", [1, 0, 1]);
        if L >= 1
             this(figp, [xm[1], x[2], xm[2]], [ym[1], y[2], ym[2]]);
             this(figp, [xm[2], x[3], xm[3]], [ym[2], y[3], ym[3]]);
             this(figp, [xm[3], x[1], xm[1]], [ym[3], y[1], ym[1]]);
    remove_triangle_center(>>fig, x, y);
    fig.setXrange([-5, 5]);
    fig.setYrange([-5, 9]);
    fig.title = "Sierpinsky Gasket with flower pattern"; = "empty";"gasket.eps")

    Image gasket

  4. Fractal Fern
    N = 50000;
    x = zeros(N);
    y = zeros(N);
    x[1] = 0.5;
    y[1] = 0.5;
    z = [0.5; 0.5];
    p = [0.85, 0.92, 0.99, 1.00];
    A1 = [0.85, 0.04; -0.04, 0.85];
    b1 = [0; 1.6];
    A2 = [0.20, -0.26; 0.23, 0.22];
    b2 = [0; 1.6];
    A3 = [-0.15, 0.28; 0.26, 0.24];
    b3 = [0; 0.44];
    A4 = [0, 0; 0, 0.16];
    for k = 2 : N
         r = rand(1);
         if r < p[1]
              z = A1 * z + b1;
         elseif r < p[2]
              z = A2 * z + b2;
         elseif r < p[3]
              z = A3 * z + b3;
              z = A4 * z;
         x[k] = z[1];
         y[k] = z[2];
    fig =;
    fig.plot{x=x, y=y, linetype="dot", linewidth=0.2, color=[0.0, 0.9, 0.3]};
    //fig.plot{x=x, y=y};"empty";"fern.eps");

    Image fern

  5. Bushes
    /* generate a tree of n generations */
    generate_tree = function (T0, fatom, xatom, n) -> T
        T = T0;
        for j = 1 : n
             t = T;
             T = "";
             for k = 1 : t.length
                  if t[k] == "F"
                    T = T + fatom;
                  elseif t[k] == "X"
                    T = T + xatom;
                    T = T + t[k];
    fatom = "FF-[-F+F+F]+[+F-F-F]";
    xatom = "";
    T0 = "F";
    turning_angle = 22;
    /* draw the tree according to commands given in a string
       this function is recursive
    	figp: pointer to the figure object. It needs to be a pointer since
    	      the function will modify the figure object
    	x, y: the current position
    	direction: the angle of the current direction
    	angle: the angle in degree of turning when commands + and - are executed
    	command: the string of commands
    	kp: the pointer to the current position in the command string
    draw_tree = function (figp, x, y, direction, angle, command, kp, color) -> ()
                 k = kp>>;   /* take the index of the fist command code */
                 while k <= command.length             
                    c = command[k];
                    if c == "]"
                      kp >>= k + 1; /* let kp point to the next command code */
                    elseif c == "["
                      kp >>= k + 1;
                      /* call itself to excute the commands up to the matching ] */
                      this(figp, x, y, direction, angle, command, kp, color);
                      k = kp>>;
                    elseif c == "+"
                      direction += angle/180*pi;
                    elseif c == "-"
                      direction -= angle/180*pi;
                    elseif c == "F"
                      nx = x + cos(direction);
                      ny = y + sin(direction);
    						figp >>. line([x, y], [nx, ny], *, *, *, color);
                      x = nx;
                      y = ny;
    /* ------------- bush 1 ---------------------- */
    fatom = "FF-[-F+F+F]+[+F-F-F]";
    xatom = "";
    T0 = "F";
    turning_angle = 22;
    bush = generate_tree (T0, fatom, xatom, 4);
    /* let command pointer point to the beging of command code sequence */
    k = 1;
    kp = >>k;
    fig =;
    /* pass the pointer to fig to draw_tree */
    draw_tree(>>fig, 0, 0, pi/2, turning_angle, bush, kp, colors.lime);"empty";"bush1.eps");
    /* ------------- bush 2 ---------------------- */
    fatom = "FF";
    xatom = "F[+X]F[-X]+X";
    T0 = "X";
    bush = generate_tree (T0, fatom, xatom, 6);
    k = 1;
    kp = >>k;
    fig =;
    draw_tree(>>fig, 0, 0, pi/2, turning_angle, bush, kp,;"empty";"bush2.eps");
    /* ------------- bush 3 ---------------------- */
    fatom = "FF";
    xatom = "F-[[X]+X]+F[+FX]-X";
    turning_angle = 22.5;
    T0 = "X";
    bush = generate_tree (T0, fatom, xatom, 6);
    k = 1;
    kp = >>k;
    fig =;
    draw_tree(>>fig, 0, 0, pi/2, turning_angle, bush, kp, colors.purple);"empty";"bush3.eps");

    Image bush1
    Image bush2
    Image bush3

  6. Lorenz Attractor
    /* the lorenz differential equation */
    lorenz = function [a = 10, b=28, c=8/3] (t, y) -> dydt 
             d1 = a * (y[2] - y[1]);
             d2 = b*y[1] - y[2] - y[1] * y[3];
             d3 = y[1] * y[2] - c * y[3];
             dydt = [d1; d2; d3];
    /* solve the ivp on t=[0,50] */
    (x, y) = dsolve(lorenz, [0, 50], [8; 9; 10]);
    /* 2d plot */
    fig =;
    fig.plot{x = y[:,2], y = y[:,1], linetype = "curve", color = [0.2, 1, 0.1]};"lorenz21.eps");
    fig =;
    fig.plot{x = y[:,2], y = y[:,3], linetype = "curve", color = [0.7, 0.2, 0.1]};"lorenz23.eps");
    fig =;
    fig.plot{x = y[:,1], y = y[:,3], linetype = "curve", color = [0.2, 0.2, 0.7]};"lorenz13.eps");
    /* for 3d view plot */
    cr = y.columnrange;
    fig =;
    fig.light_direction = [2/3, 1/3, 3/5];
    gx = [xv=cr[1,1]] (y, z) -> xv;
    gy = [yv=cr[1,2]] (x, z) -> yv;
    gz = [zv=cr[1,3]] (x, y) -> zv;
    fig.plot(gx, (y,z)->y, (y,z)->z, cr[:, 2], cr[:, 3], [4, 4], rand(3), rand(3));
    fig.plot((x,y)->x, (x,y)->y, gz, cr[:, 1], cr[:, 2], [4, 4], rand(3), rand(3));
    fig.plot((x,z)->x, gy, (x,z)->z, cr[:, 1], cr[:, 3], [4, 4], rand(3), rand(3));
    fig.curve(y[:,1], y[:,2], y[:,3], rand(3));"lorenz3d.eps");

    Image lorenz21
    Image lorenz23

    Image lorenz13

    Image lorenz3d

  7. Mesh
    // Solve Laplace's equation with Jacob's relaxation method
    // Usage: lpc(w,h,bv_up,bv_down,bv_left,bv_right,minchange)
    // w: width, h: height, bv_up...bv_down: boundary values, min_change: precision
    lpc = function (w, h, bv_up, bv_down, bv_left, bv_right, min_change = 1e-5) -> v
         % a crude guess initial value
         //boundary conditions
         while change>min_change
    v = lpc(30,30,5, 5, 9, 25,*);
    fig =;
    fig.light_direction = [1/3, 2/3, 1/3];
    c = rand(3);
    d = rand(3);
    fig.mesh(v, c, d);"laplace.eps");

    Image laplace

  8. Surfaces
    fig =;
    fx = (theta, phi)->(9 + 2 * cos(phi)) * cos(theta);
    fy = (theta, phi) -> (9 + 2 * cos(phi)) * sin(theta);
    fz = (theta, phi) -> 2 * sin(phi);
    fig.plot(fx, fy, fz, [0,2*pi], [0,2*pi]);
    fx = (theta, phi)->(4 + 1.2 * cos(phi)) * cos(theta);
    fy = (theta, phi) -> (4 + 1.2* cos(phi)) * sin(theta);
    fz = (theta, phi) -> 2+1.2 * sin(phi);
    fig.plot(fx, fy, fz, [0,2*pi], [0,2*pi]);
    fx = (theta, phi)->1+(9 + 3 * cos(phi)) * cos(theta);
    fy = (theta, phi) -> 3 * sin(phi);
    fz = (theta, phi) -> (9 + 3 * cos(phi)) * sin(theta);
    fig.plot(fx, fy, fz, [0.7,1.2*pi], [0,2*pi]);
    fx = (theta, phi)->7+(3 + 0.6 * cos(phi)) * cos(theta);
    fy = (theta, phi) -> 0.6 * sin(phi);
    fz = (theta, phi) -> (3 + 0.6 * cos(phi)) * sin(theta);
    fig.plot(fx, fy, fz, [0,2*pi], [0,2*pi]);
    fig.light_direction = [2/3, 2/3, 1/3];"torus.eps");

    Image torus

  9. Seashell
    /* it's not necessary to use global variable
       in order to use function parameter
    	just to show it's possible
    global.n = 3;
    global.a = 8;
    fig =;
    fig.light_direction = [2/3, -2/3, 1/4];
    fx = (s, t)->a * (1-t/(2*pi))*cos(n*t) * (1+cos(s)) + c * cos(n*t);
    fy = (s, t)->a * (1-t/(2*pi))*sin(n*t) * (1+cos(s)) + c * sin(n*t);
    fz = (s, t)->b * t / (2*pi) + a *(1-t/(2*pi)) * sin(s);
    fig.plot(fx, fy, fz, [0,2*pi], [0,6], [50, 50]);"seashell.eps");

    Image seashell

About this document ...

This document was generated using the LaTeX2HTML translator Version 2002-2-1 (1.71)

Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.
Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, Ross Moore, Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, Sydney.

The command line arguments were:
latex2html -split 0 plot.tex

The translation was initiated by on 2012-01-14
