Social choice theory, welfare economics and voting systems
Collective dynamical systems such as cellular automata and coupled cell networks.
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A fair pivotal mechanism for nonpecuniary public goods, M. Pivato,
November 2011 (23 pages).
[Presentation slides]
Variable population voting rules, M. Pivato, June 2011
(42 pages).
[Presentation Slides] from the Joint Mathematics Meetings in
Boston, January 4, 2012.
Additive representation of separable
preferences on infinite products, M. Pivato, January 2011 (27 pages).
Presentation slides from Econometric
Society Meeting (Washington University in St. Louis, June, 2011), Meeting
of the Society for Economic Design (University of Montreal, June,
and AMMCS-2011 (Wilfrid Laurier
University, Waterloo, Ontario, July 2011).
Twofold optimality of the relative utilitarian bargaining solution, Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 32 (#1), January 2008 (pp.79-92). Eprint available [Locally] or on [RePEc].
Why tenure?, by B. Cater, B. Lew and M. Pivato, January 2009.
Social choice with approximate interpersonal comparisons of
welfare gains., 42 pages (July, 2011)
Presentation Slides from New
Directions in Welfare (OECD, Paris, July 2010)
and AMMCS-2011 (Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario (July 2011).
Risky social choice with approximate interpersonal comparisons of well-being. 20 pages (to appear in Social Choice & Welfare, 2012).
Aggregation of incomplete ordinal preferences with approximate interpersonal comparisons. 40 pages (September, 2010).
Approximate interpersonal comparisons of well-being. 30 pages (September, 2010).
Majority rule in the absence of a majority, by Klaus Nehring and M. Pivato (September, 2011)
[Presentation slides] from the Workshop on New Developments in Judgement Aggregation and
Voting Theory, Freudenstadt, September 9-11, 2011.
Condorcet admissibility: Indeterminacy and path-dependence under majority voting on interconnected decisions, by Klaus Nehring, M. Pivato, and Clemens Puppe. (July, 2011)
The McGarvey problem in judgement aggregation, M. Pivato and Klaus Nehring, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 159 (2011), 1488-1507. [Presentation slides]
A statistical approach to epistemic democracy, M. Pivato. (8 pages, presented at EPISTEME 11 (June 24-26, 2011, Carnegie-Mellon University). (Presentation slides also available.)
Voting rules as statistical estimators, M. Pivato, to appear in Social Choice & Welfare, 2012.
Eprint available [ArXiV].[ETDS]........[Presentation Slides]
Available from [ Science Direct]. Also locally available as [gzipped postscript] or [Adobe PDF].
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings
Positive expansiveness versus network dimension in symbolic dynamical systems (CMS Meeting, Vancouver, December 2010).
Social choice with approximate interpersonal comparisons of utility from SCW 2010 (Moscow, July 2010).
Majority rule in the absence of a majority (joint with Klaus Nehring) presented at the Workshop on New Developments in Judgement Aggregation and Voting Theory, Freudenstadt, September 9-11, 2011. Earlier version presented at SCW 2010 (Moscow, July 2010)