Cyril and Jenny Carter Scholarship Entering
Third YearThis award is in memory of Professor Cyril Carter, who was a member of the Department of Mathematics, and is given annually to the top mathematics student entering the third year.
Guinand Scholarship Entering
Fourth YearThis award, in honour of Andrew P. Guinand, the founding chair of the department of Mathematics, is given annually to the top mathematics student entering the fourth year of his or her program.
Margaret Lightbody Scholarship Concurrent
EducationThe scholarship is to be awarded by the Queen's-Trent Concurrent Teacher Education Program. Recommendation on awarding the scholarship is made by the Teacher's Education Program with input from the Mathematics Department. If there is no subsequent teacher education program at Trent University then the scholarship will be awarded at the descretion of the Board of Governors with a preference that it is awarded to an upper year student majoring in mathematics. This scholarship remains focused on supporting students enrolled at Trent University and who have an ambition to teach mathematics.
T.E.W. Nind Award Financial Need This award was established in memory of Professor Tom Nind, President of Trent University from 1972-79. The award will be given to a major or joint-major in Mathematics who demonstrates financial need and high academic standing. OSOF guidelines apply.
Victor T. Ridley Memorial Prize First Year An annual prize awarded to the leading undergraduate in first-year mathematics.
Patricia H. Southern Mathematics Award Third/fourth year This award will be presented on the basis of financial need and is for a student in third or fourth year who demonstrates high academic achievement and financial need. Prference will be given to a student majoring in Mathematics.