Mathematics-Statistics 150 provides an introduction to elementary
probability and statistical methods. The course begins with procedures
for summarizing and describing data and progresses through elements of
probability to an introduction to several areas of statistical inference
including estimating population characteristics on the basis of sample
information, testing hypotheses about population characteristics, exploring
relationships among population characteristics and comparing characteristics
of different populations. Computer-based methods of statistical analysis
will be introduced as necessary.
The text for the course is a work in production. Text chapters
will be available from the Trent University Bookstore as they are completed
and as enrolments are known. It is anticipated that the text will
be distributed in five parts. Initially, Chapters 1 through 3 will
be available at the Bookstore. There are corrections and additions
to the chapters distributed prior to 1998/1999. As well, exercise
solutions and updated computer illustrations were added for 2000/01.
Used copies may be available and will be of use, but later chapters
may not be complete and computer illustrations will be out of date.
Mathematics: This course is an introduction to probability and
statistics for students who are not strong in mathematics. This course
NOT count towards a mathematics major and is not open to students who
are enrolled in, or have credit for, Mathematics 110. Although there
is no formal prerequisite for the course, this is a course in quantitative
methods and basic mathematical skills are required. Students
who consider themselves to be weak in numerical and general mathematical
skills should consult the instructor or seek assistance from the Academic
Skills Centre.
Computing: Any previous computing experience will be useful
for those parts of the course involving computer-based analyses. Familiarity
with the Trent University computing facilities will be required early in
the course. Some data sets will be available electronically and
some course information may be distributed electronically. Students
will obtain a Trent University computer account from Computing Services
and should become familiar with the use of the facilities prior to the
course-specific workshops. Initial course-specific workshops
will be presented in the workshop hours listed in the University Academic
Timetable and on the dates listed below in the workshops schedule.
Each student may attend one one-hour introductory workshop. Further
instruction in course-related statistical software applications will be
provided in class as necessary. Course instruction will include an
introduction to a statistical software product called Minitab which is
accessible in the microcomputer labs. A student edition of Minitab
will be available through the bookstore. Although Minitab will be
demonstrated in class, students may use any statistical software that they
wish for course work provided that they explain properly the results produced
by the software.
Calculators: Due to the considerable amount of numerical work
involved in this course, students should acquire a calculator with built-in
statistical function keys.
Lectures: There will be three lecture hours per week as indicated
in the University Academic Timetable. Lecture hours will be used
for the presentation of course material and for questions related to the
course material. Lecture hours will be used for quizzes as well,
as indicated below in the quiz schedule. Students are responsible
for all material covered in lectures and for all announcements made in
lecture hours. Students who miss classes must ensure that they
determine what material was covered and what announcements were made in
classes that they miss.
Workshops: There will be eight problems workshops through the
year plus an introductory computer workshop. The problems workshops
will be used for discussion of the problems assigned in the course.
The computer workshop will be used to introduce statistical computer software.
Problem Sets: There will
be eight problem sets through the year, four per term. Each problem
set will contribute 5% of the final mark. |
8 @ 5%
Quizzes: There will be four in-class
quizzes, two per term. Each quiz will contribute 5% of the final
mark. |
4 @ 5%
Final Examination: There will be a final three-hour examination.
The final examination will contribute 40% of the final mark*. |
1 @ 40%
* Any student who obtains a mark on the final examination that
is higher than the final mark produced by the weighting above will receive
her/his examination mark as her/his final mark, provided that s/he has
a complete term mark. A student must submit solutions for all problem
sets and write all quizzes to have a complete term mark!
Quiz 1......... |
Thursday, October 18 |
Quiz III....... |
Thursday, February 14 |
Quiz II........ |
Thursday, December 6 |
Quiz IV....... |
Thursday, March 28 |
For each workshop, each student will attend one hour in the time of
her/his workshop group. (Note the possible exception with Friday
times for the computing workshop.)
Problem Set 1 Workshop............. |
Tuesday, October 2 and Wednesday, October 3 |
Statistical Computing Workshop.... |
Tuesday, Oct. 9, Wednesday, Oct. 10 and Friday, Oct 12 |
Problem Set 2 Workshop............. |
Tuesday, October 30 and Wednesday, October 31 |
Problem Set 3 Workshop.............. |
Tuesday, November 13 and Wednesday, November 14 |
Problem Set 4 Workshop.............. |
Tuesday, November 27 and Wednesday, November 28 |
Problem Set 5 Workshop.............. |
Tuesday, January 29 and Wednesday, January 30 |
Problem Set 6 Workshop.............. |
Tuesday, February 12 and Wednesday, February 13 |
Problem Set 7 Workshop.............. |
Tuesday, March 5 and Wednesday, March 6 |
Problem Set 8 Workshop.............. |
Tuesday, March 19 and Wednesday, March 20 |
Problem set solutions may be submitted in class or may be submitted
by 4:00 pm to the Instructor's office. Late submissions should be
approved, in advance, by the instructor.
Problem Set 1..... |
Thursday, October 11 |
Problem Set 5..... |
Monday, February 4 |
Problem Set 2..... |
Monday, November 5 |
Problem Set 6..... |
Monday, February 25 |
Problem Set 3..... |
Monday, November 19 |
Problem Set 7..... |
Monday, March 11 |
Problem Set 4..... |
Monday, December 3 |
Problem Set 8..... |
Monday, March 25 |
Instructor |
Office Hours |
Secretary |
E.A. Maxwell
CC F30
eamaxwell@trentu.ca |
Vary from week to week but are posted each week on the instructor's
office door. |
Carolyn Johns
LEC N126
cjohns@trentu.ca |
Discussing problems and working out solutions with other
students is a natural part of the learning process; however, students ultimately
must be able to do problems themselves. Students are expected to
produce and to write up their own final solutions individually. Copying
from other students is plagiarism. Students should note the following
university statement on plagiarism.
Plagiarism is an extremely serious academic offence and
carries penalties varying from failure in an assignment to debarment from
the University. Definitions, procedures and penalties for dealing
with plagiarism are set out in Trent Universityís Policy on Plagiarism
which is available on request from every department or college office or
from the Registrarís office.